Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Setting (& Keeping) Dates: 1/24/11

GO PACKERS!!!!!! Oh man everywhere we went yesterday, that game was on. It was nuts. Well last week was pretty frustrating. We haven't been able to get in contact with Willy for about 3 days, so we don't know what's going on with him. Last time we saw him he was with his friend doing bible study. Turns out his friend is a J dub. grr. 

On thursday I got sick. It looked like everyone in our Zone has been getting sick. Elder Wall came to Hopkinsville for Exchanges and the day after he left I got sick... hmm. So we couldn't work Thursday I just stayed in bed all day. Then on Friday, it snowed like crazy!! President texted us all saying to stay indoors, the weather was too bad to work. So we only had a total of 18 lessons last week, no bueno. 

On the positive side, President came to our ward last week and talked about how the ward council should be finding people for the missionaries to teach also. So we went on exchanges with Dustin Buckner, he is 18 years old and preparing to go on a mish. He took us to see 3 people, 1 of them bonked but we set up appts with the other 2. We saw one of them yesterday, Doug. Who is 16 years old. We taught him the restoration, and read 2 Nephi 31. oh yeah... the baptism chapter haha. We got to I think its verse 10, where it says "Follow thou me" and we asked him what "follow thow me" means. He said to follow all of what Jesus Christ did. So then once he said that I asked him if he wanted to follow the example of Jesus Christ by being baptized by someone holding the priesthood authority of God. And he said yes! WOOHOO! So we have 2 dates set now, and the sisters also have 2 dates set as well. 

I have to call President Hutchings every Sunday and give a report on how the ward council is doing by taking us out to "rescue." Only our ward is doing this too, President is experimenting. So I gave him my report and I said, "Oh President, Elder Hall and I have something to tell you... WE SET A DATE!!" Then we screamed like lil girls haha. I can make President laugh so hard it's hilarious. He always is nice to me, and then like rebukes Elder Hall. I find it pretty funny. President said he is impressed with what is happening to the Hopkinsville ward. They havent had a baptism since april 2009, and now we have 4 dates set just this transfer. oh yeah!

So my district always tells me that my trainings give them revelation and inspire them. I always think I do a horrible job on trainings, but the spirit must help me out. Oh this Elder in my last district, Elder Pantelakis, wants me to marry his lil sister. haha. So he wants me to write her, so I did last night haha. I drew a LEGIT picture of me and him bible bashing with this guy it was so funny. 

Well this week should be a good week. The ward council has us going on splits on Tuesday and Thursday. So we will have 4 ward council members taking us to appts they set up. Neat! Oh so basketball is starting up here for the stake, I asked if we can play and they said if we have an investigator there we can, and Doug wants to play on Thursday! Woohoo!! Time to dominate. I guess this ward is horrible at basketball, so this is gunna be awesome possum. But what is gunna stink is that I have leadership training down in Clarksville Thursday-Saturday from 9am-4pm. NO BUENO! haha. I'm sure I will learn a lot there though, its gunna be weird though, being the youngest one there. Wish me luck! I've been talking so much smack about the Laker vs. Jazz game tomorrow. Its gunna be legit. Kay time to go to Walmart. WHELP CYA LATER!

love yall.

Elder Cawley

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