Tuesday, January 31, 2012

1/23/2012: Robbers!

well this week has been pretty... interesting hahaha. it started off
pretty good. it was sunday, and i met my new ward and then pday was
monday and we just got a bunch of pizza and played board games. Then
tuesday we just went around and saw some of our investigators and that
was fun :) 

then.... on wednesday... this is when it starts getting
crazy!! so, we wake up, and headed to district meeting and it was a
great district meeting :) we went out as a district to lunch and when
we came back to our apartment to change out of our suits.... we
noticed the doorknob looked kinda weird. and we open the door and walk
in and i throw my jacket on my bed and i was like "i dont remember
putting my hoodie and that hangar on my bed..." and elder basset goes
"i dont remember knocking over my cards (they were on the table)..."
and we start looking around. i go in my closet and some of my ties are
on the ground. i was like... no way... hahaha. we start looking around
and we realized that we got broken into!! haha. so here is the weird
thing... we left at 9:30am and came back around 2ish. so we got robbed
in the middle of the day... and we live above a lawyers office...
right across from the court house!!! hahaha. 

so here is what they took.... they took my comps suit and his sports 
jacket and thats it from him. then from me they took a white shirt, 
a tie, 2 bottles of my cologne aaaannnnnddd my electric shaver!! hahaha. 
so weird!!! 
my guess is that they had either A) a court date B) a date C) a job
interview or D) wanted to look like a missionary and smell like me
hahahaha. so when the cops showed up we were all kinda laughing bcuz
its so strange that they didnt take anything else!! like we had a
portable dvd player that the mission gave us... my nice basketball
shoes... my gps was on my desk... its just weird!! so the next
couple of days i put a note on our door just in case he came back and
it said something like "Dear Robber... what the poop?! if you want
more of our ties you can have some more... we have tons. You can also
have some food, we have lots. Make yourself at home!! from, the
missionaries" hahahahahha. but he never came back, or he saw the note
and just walked away idk. but it was pretty funny. 

then yesterday we found out some other crazy news. My comp is getting 
ETd (emergency transfered) to Mount Juliet. and im getting a new comp, 
his name is Elder Goodwin. I was his district leader when i was in Linden. 
so thats all going down today at 4pm. its just weird stuff

so ive been in the area less then 2 weeks and im getting
a new comp haha. so basically we are kinda like white washing (2 new
elders coming into an area). its gunna be pretty interesting!! last
week was pretty fun so lets see what this week has in store!!! 

by the way, i cant picture bert alert working in juvi haha. thats crazy! 
welp i love yall!!!! "yall come back now ya hear!?" i hear that a lot haha.

peace out girl scouts!

Elder Cawley

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