Monday, November 29, 2010

Miracles: 11/29/2010

HI!!!!! okay so this week has been awesome!! Kay so before i got to this area, the two companions before (elder wright was one of them) met a lady named Kim who is about 46 years old. they taught her and committed her to baptism and then they haven't been able to get into contact with her at all. so me and elder wright have been trying hard to see her, we go over and knock on the door and call her and stuff, but nothing. so we decided to go and try to see her 28 year old son who lives like 2 miles away, because we were trying anything to get to kim. So we go knock on Stevens door (thats kim's son) and his truck is there but he doesn't answer the door, so we were bummed so we went to go see another investigator which is like 3 mins away. 

So we are about to knock on the investigators door, and then this truck pulls up saying "we shouldn't be here, and that we should leave" so we start talking to this guy and it turns out to be Steven. and we were like WOOHOO!! haha. so we talked to him for about 1 hour and we set up an appointment to teach him the next day. Once he drove off, me and elder wright turned to each other and started yelling "we just witnessed a miracle!!" haha. So tomorrow comes and we go teach him, and it turns out that he has been looking for God after his dad died and trying to change his life. He has been in jail and sold drugs and beaten tons of people up, but he has totally changed, he is the nicest person i have ever met. everything we taught him about the restoration he said the he believed and it made sense. so we gave him a BoM and our number and gave him an assignment to read. 

2 days later we were supposed to have a lesson at the church about the plan of salvation. but he didn't show, and we had a member with us. so the whole time i was praying that he would show up or at least call. so we dropped the member off and no joke, 30 seconds after that he called saying that he was really sorry and that his friends mom was in the hospital. so we talked to him and set a new appt. for the next day, we hung up and started screaming like little girls haha. 

So we go have a lesson at the church and it was AMAZING! the spirit was soooo strong. we explained the big three questions, where we were before life, what we are doing here on earth, and where we are going after we die. During the lesson, he was just saying that he has been thinking about this alot and how it makes perfect sense. the only thing that he never thought of was spirit paradise/prison. So we were super happy, and committed him to church, but he didn't show. ( it was his bday on sunday) so we made him cookies and brought them to him. he let us in, talked to us about how he is missing his dad alot, and we just comforted him. he gave us a hug after we talked to him and his girlfriend loves us too haha. she wants to have us over for dinner and us teach them. they have a 10 year old girl that is interested too. can you say jack pot!? haha. the coolest thing about this experience was how we met him though. He said that he saw us at the door when we knocked but didn't answer bcuz he didnt want to talk to us, but he ended up talking to us 5 mins later outside the investigators house. And he even said that it was really "neat" how we met him. Him and his family are so ready for the gospel.
one more story :)
kay so me and elder wright are teaching a guy, get this... his name is King James. NO JOKE! and he is the biggest person i have ever met. he looks just like Shaq... but bigger, not even lying. when i shake his hand, i basically shake his thumb hahaha. he has two sons, and there names are also... king. neat!! he is the "top dog" on his block, no one messes with him. one time we were teaching him on his porch, and a car pulled up, and he said "hold up i have to get something out of my trunk..." i was like. are you kidding me???. then he gave them something and sat back down next to us, and the person in the car said something like "hey wheres the _____" and king said "idk". i was like, we are gunna die, i started to look for places to take cover for in case a shootout starts, bcuz every time we teach King he keeps his Piston next to him... loaded. so yeah its always fun going over there. He wont mess with us though, he calls us family. He is super nice too, he always brings us lunch and picks us up if we are walking and its raining. so don't get me wrong, he is one of the nicest persons too. he is very family based, and "would do anything for his family" he told us. i love him :)

thanksgiving was AMAZING! like 5 families came by and gave us leftovers, so im getting pretty fat haha. we have a very traditional thanksgiving, except we had hashbrown casserole, which is amazing. and fried turkey, and chess cake... which is soooooo good! oh and... fried squirrel! hahahah. i no like it haha. but i ate it.
well time is about up, i hope that everyone is doing good. tell everyone hello and that i love them! i will try to send some pictures in another email. LOVE YA!

Elder Cawley

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