Saturday, October 15, 2011

D. Todd Christofferson is Coming to Town: 10/10/2011

hey hay hey!! so this past week was pretty much like all the other weeks. We did A LOT of walking. haha. we did a couple cool things though this past week :)

so tomorrow we have interviews with President McKee and he told us to bring our Area Book and planners. my planner is good to go, but the area book... man that thing is HORRIBAD haha. there is stuff in there from like 2008 and all this stuff. so we went through it and just took out a crap ton of stuff that was useless. Almost all the past teaching records had their name, and stuff about them but no phone numbers or addresses or anything. so we cleaned it up... and burned the rest! hahah. it was pretty cool, we did it at night, so we had a lil fire in our front yard (aka. the woods haha).

Then another weird/crazy thing is that on the side of our trailer there are always at least 50 red wasps, trying to build a nest or something, and i keep throwing ice at em and they go all crazy and then i run inside haha. i guess the missionary before me got stung by one, and it put like a crater in his arm for 3 weeks. they are pretty nasty... but ill take the risk haha.

Yesterday, we went out with the 1st counsler in the Bishopric, Bro. ________, and he is the man! haha. he drove us out to the boonies of the boonies. We never have the chance to go out there bcuz its a good hour drive haha. our area is huge. But we managed to see about 5 recent converts/less actives. it was awesome, and bro. _________ and us just talked for like hours. we started at 4pm and got done around 9pm. lots of driving, which means lots of conversation :)  it was lots of fun.

i got some sweet pictures too!! bcuz the leaves are changing and we were out in the boonies, so it was just yellow/red/orange leaves for miles :) when i get the chance ill send them to you, or ill try the walmart thingy tomorrow when we go to walmart :) This saturday, D. Todd Christofferson is holding a special meeting for just the missionaries :):) so we will get some good advice here!! and he was the franklin stake president, so he is gunna love us for serving in franklin zone haha. and maybe if our investgator goes on saturday, we will hear him 3 different times!! the adult session is on saturday, then sunday, and the missionary session on saturday :) my mind is gunna be like jello from hearing him speak 3 times. its gunna be awesome!! its gunna be lots of driving though haha. but so worth it!!! i hope all is well in cali!! i love yall!!!

Peace n' Blessings!

Elder Cawley (or as they say here "Crawley" haha. the curse is everwhere!)

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